The ADPH Office of EMS has authorized BREMSS to approve education within our region as well as facilitate and oversee courses. Courses approvals include:
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Courses
Emergency Vehicle Operator Courses (EVOC)
Emergency Medical Responder Courses (EMR)
Emergency Medical Technician Courses (EMT)
Advanced EMT Courses (AEMT)
BREMSS offers several Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) courses each year: 2-day Provider courses, 1-day Refresher courses, and 1.5-day Instructor courses.
A Refresher course is for individuals that have a current ATLS card that is within six (6) months of expiring (you can renew up to 6 months prior to the expiration date or up to 6 months after the expiration date). If you are unsure of your expiration date, please contact us before registering for a course so we may direct you to the correct course.
410 10th Avenue South, Suite B, Birmingham, AL 35205