Birmingham Regional Emergency
Medical Services System


EMS Rules, Protocols, and Credentialing/Licensing

Regional Plans

Regional CQI Plan Template

Beginning in 2023, all emergency medical provider services licensed by the Alabama Department of Public Health, Office of EMS will be required to submit a Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) plan.
This is a suggested CQI process and accompanying templates for all services in BREMSS to achieve the ADPH OEMS requirement. Each service may modify this process/templates to fit individual service needs, as all services have different staffing models, schedules, resources, and personnel. All documentation of quality improvement projects should be kept HIPAA compliant. Only personnel involved in the patient care, the service EMS officer/director, the service education/training staff, regional EMS agency staff, state EMS office staff, and potentially hospital staff should be involved in the CQI process. Only the patient identifiers required to ensure a root cause analysis, and/or quality improvement plan should be displayed.
The CQI plan template portfolio is made up of an agency information form and detailed templates for the four EMS service categories: ALS 1(Paramedic), ALS 2 (Advanced EMT), ALS 3 (EMT Intermediate), and BLS (EMT).
The templates are available in both Adobe PDF and Microsoft Excel formats.