Health, Wellness, and Resilience Day
To promote the health, wellness, and resilience of EMS professionals and patients. Health, Wellness, and Resilience Day highlights the need to recognize and care for the health and wellness of EMS professionals and patients and share ideas on strengthening resilience. It is an opportunity to step back and take care of ourselves through self-care and care for our fellow EMS professionals and the patients in our care every day.
Education Day
Highlighting public education programs and EMS professionals’ education.
Education Day seeks to highlight community educational programs and the importance of continuing education for EMS professionals. This is the ideal day to plan a community injury or illness prevention program and a special CE course for your agency. Consider in-person or online community education programs related to the prevention of falls, burns, poisoning, or drowning.
EMS Safety Day
EMS for Children Day
Save-A-Life Day/Stop the Bleed Day
To promote Stop the Bleed, public CPR programs and other programs It doesn’t matter how quickly EMS professionals get to a scene—bystanders will almost always be there first. Save-A-Life Day empowers the general public to learn and apply steps that can be taken to help save a life. This is an ideal day to schedule community CPR and Stop the Bleed educational courses. Take advantage of the many programs and toolkits available that make it easier to coordinate these programs.
EMS Recognition Day
To recognize your local EMS heroes and those who save lives through the EMS system. On EMS Recognition Day, we honor members of the EMS community who regularly go above and beyond what’s expected. It’s a day to give gratitude to first responders for their unwavering commitment to serving their communities. Plan an awards event, a special meal, a gift-giving event, and other honors for EMS Recognition Day.
EMS Remembrance Day
To honor emergency medical services personnel who have died in the line-of-duty and to recognize the ultimate sacrifice they made for their communities. We thank them for their service to EMS and for bringing comfort and lifesaving care to their patients. They leave us with the proud memory of their commitment and dedication to EMS. This day is set aside to recognize those fallen EMS professionals and their families. Some ideas for this day include: Plan a memorial ceremony, hold a moment of silence event, create a Wall of Honor, host a ceremony to recognize families or establish a memorial scholarship.